How to earn more?
Vote and earn more $B3TR ! Looking to maximize your $B3TR rewards? Follow this simple guide to support us while earning even more $B3TR! Step 1: Head over to VeBetterDAO Governance and connect your wallet. Step 2: Swap your $B3TR tokens for VOT3 tokens. Don’t worry, you can exchange them back at a 1:1 ratio whenever you like! Step 3: Wait for the next voting round, which starts the following week (note: you can’t vote during the same week you swap your tokens). Step 4: Cast your vote on the applications you support and earn additional $B3TR for participating. Check out the active rounds here. Step 5: Vote on the current proposals to earn even more $B3TR. By voting for ST3PR , you’re helping us secure more funding to enhance rewards and sustain the Dapp. Plus, you'll be rewarded with $B3TR just for casting your vote in our favor! Together, we can amplify our efforts to drive positive change and build a dedicated community.
Last updated